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School is more important than people think

By: Coloured

If you decided to read this article, at one point in time you likely decided you want to drop it, but is it actually worth it? Well obviously, not everyone can afford college, so this article isn't meant to convince you to go to college, but just to at least finish high school. Because let's face it, most jobs in this day and age require a highschool diploma at the minimum, so why not just finish out that last year of high school just to get it? You've already spent like, what 12 years in school now? So why not finish? But anyways, I'm pretty sure most high school dropouts either are trying to start a business or hate school (like most of us). But what most dropouts don't understand, is that without a diploma you have almost nothing to fall back on. Obviously, you could work at a McDonalds for 9-5 but is it really worth the risk? That's my personal take, but to be honest just do whatever makes you happy, my point is just finish school to have something to fall back on. Because who knows, you could even get a scholarship and go to college (if you really want to do that). You don't need to listen to some random guy online, but just weigh the pros and cons of dropping out.

Published: 4/26/2024
